I've been thinking for ages about a knitting project I'd like to do, and finally the idea's coming together.
I love the whole 'urban knitting' movement, 'yarn bombing', 'guerilla knitting' or whatever you care to call it. Also, I love knitting but it's more the process of knitting than the end result I like. It's the stitches, the choice of colours and different textures. I like making simple shapes like rectangles or long strips of wildly clashing yarns.
So anyway, I've decided to be a big, brave girlie and put some knitting out there in the urban landscape. Probably as part of the Totterdown art trail which happens in - I think - November this year. I took part last year, selling felt food softies, but fancy doing something a bit different this time.
So I've been knitting pieces with button fastenings to wrap around fence posts or traffic sign posts. Here are some that I've draped around my arm to show you.
And here's another piece.
I want to attach labels to these pieces, and I really like the idea of the label having a piece of text written on it - a paragraph from a novel or a poem. I want to just pick pieces at random from various authors, from different genres, so people move from one knitted cosy to another reading the labels. So one might have an excerpt from a Georgette Heyer novel attached to it, another might have a bit from Dickens, another could use a quote from Agatha Christie.
Well, that's the plan so far. Let's see how I get on!!
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