Yesterday was a real April day of sunshine and a few showers. I did some charity-shop wanderings in the morning, and bought a couple of odd things (a talking book of a Ruth Rendell novel & an old fashioned box of dominoes. No, I don't play dominoes, but the box is vintagey looking and nostalgic and - oh, you know what it's like when you see something and think you'll only regret it if you don't buy it. Once home I did a tiny bit of cleaning up and general chores, then got down to some crafting.
I was quite pleased with the mix of blues used in this small piece of needlepoint. Even though there are lots of other colours - pinks and greens for instance - the overall impression is still one of moody intense blues.
Later my very unsuccessful diet took another downward turn when I made scones. Sometimes a girl just has to give in to the urge to bake. The sultana scones turned out beautifully, but they weren't a low calories option, especially when scoffed with buttery spread and marmalade. :-(
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