This is a tea cosy I knitted which is meant to be shaped like a cake! The white paper case, the chocolate sponge, the pink icing with strawberries on top. It was partly successful, but I might have another go at getting it right.
I wish I had a photo to illustrate the following, but this is a snippet from The Sunday Times. It in turn got the info from the Brighton Argus. It's about a knitter called Audrey Horncastle. She '... has knitted more than 100 woolly breasts in the past three years. They are squeezed into shape by daughter Rhona ... and used to teach breast feeding to new mothers. Audrey, who now produces one breast a day, says "I try to keep the basic fleshy tone but sometimes people ask if I can put in a bit of colour just to make things a bit different."' How fantastic is that!!! What a great new use for knitting.
What a sweet tea cozy. I love the colors. And hurray for someone helping with breastfeeding. I could have used that when I had my daughter. We finally figured it out but it took ages.
Posted by: Selena | February 02, 2009 at 01:58 PM